Monday, May 26, 2008

Another Day in the life of Grace

Well, it's Memorial Day. A day of reflection and remembrance.
God bless all our service men and women who help maintain our freedoms and keep us safe!

In regards to remembrance, I remember when we were in China and Grace was still small. Well, she still is small but really growing.

Here are just some of the changes:
- She no longer fits the socks and some of the clothes that we have for her.
- She almost has in her two top front teeth (the bottom front two are already in)
- The drool factor stepped up a notch just today. I think it's because she is getting more teeth in.
- She is eating more solids...well, if you call baby food from a spoon "solid."
- She is eating Cheerios now and loves them.
- She can sit up on her own
- She can pull her self up

We also noticed that her hair is getting darker. It looked more brown while in China but it's a bit darker now and growing. Her hair still seems a bit thin but I am sure that will change with time.

Tomorrow she sees the pediatrician for the second time. Hopefully she does well but I predict Niagara Falls tears.

More photos and video to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I never had the courage to take Tyler to pediatrician's to get shots, his dad was the one who did it.I can really see tears on little Grace's chubby cheeks:-)