Saturday, June 21, 2008

1st Birthday Party!

Today Grace had her 1st birthday party.
We spent 98% of the time indoors because it was almost 110 degrees outside!

Everybody we invited came. It really was a good feeling having a full house. I was not sure what to expect with all those kids (around 15...all but one were girls) but I must say that it really was a lot of fun. I hope everyone had a good time.

Grace is starting to warm up to people and she loves other kids. She had so much fun that by 4:00 she passed out in her bed. She has not opened her gifts yet but I am sure she will love them all. We really appreciate every one's kindness and generosity. Thank you all for making Grace's first birthday party so much fun. You truly are great friends and family. We love you all!

Here are some photos from her special day:

This was Grace in the morning before her party. I got her to laugh by tickling her chin and snapped a few quick photos

We just found out today that Grace likes to do impressions:

We rented a blow-up castle for everyone to play in. A few of us made it in there but only for a few minutes because it was so very hot out side...almost 110 degrees!

Grace right before the cake just chill'in waiting for everyone to get settled:

We had two cakes because so many people came but ended up only needing one. This is the second cake. Good thing we had two because Daddy forgot to take a photo of the first one :(

At the end of the day, Grace had a great time...but ready for bed...

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